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Homeopathic Medicine


HOMEOPATHY – Is a system of alternative medicine created in 1796 by SAMUEL HAHNEMANN based on his doctrine like cures like (similia similibus curentur),a claim that a substance that causes the symptoms of a diseases in healthy people would cure similar symptoms in sick people.

Homeopathy is generally considered a very slow process of healing and this is true because it takes into consideration the past, present and the mental status of the patient to understand his problems. Minimum it takes three and a half hours to solve a case with Homeopathy.

However at Happy Homeopathy clinic a case is solved in maximum 10 minutes because Dr.Fatema Palgharwala is a Certified Graphologists and with the aid of handwriting and signature analysis she is able to understand her patients thoroughly in 30 seconds. Hence, miraculously breaking all preconceived notions about homeopathy, it works fastest at Happy Homeopathy Clinic.

Mostly Dr. Fatema takes up CHRONIC & CANCER cases. Homeopathy is the best remedy for such cases because body is a complex machine.When something hurts the body continuously it gets habituated to that occurences and defends itself with what little methods are available to it.Homoeopathy helps the body to get stronger against the chronic disesases and thus, it is more effective in deep seated cases compared to  anything else.

Also, Homeopathy is a halal medicine and when used with proper care and rules it has the potential to save many.
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